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Roblox is an Online game that looks like Legos, the game is getting worse because of its bad updates and the Roblox Tiktok community. There are great games in Roblox and if adopt me is getting an update then every single roblox game will run really bad because of the amount of people wanting to go in adopt me. If your under 13 then you will have a bad time chatting with people, there is even a gear in the catalog that only 13+ users can use called the "Tommy gun", apparently this is to prevent children to be exposed to guns despite the fact that they can see the 13+ item. Because roblox wants to censor swear words and keep them away from children, they had to use a bot to do that for them and it's just horrible! If an under 13 account wants to say "I made 31 cakes in baking simulator" it will turn up as "I made ######## in baking simulator". It gets even worse for children who have difficulty on spelling words, if they want to chat something like "lests go to teh ca r" it will appear as "###############"

Friend: Wanna play roblox
me: Sorry i cant, the game is broken

by Divorce Papers September 12, 2021


The perfect place for 8 year olds.
You can perfectly play until some fuckbois arrive ruining the party, then they start roleplaying and you already want to die.

Hey Tom, did you hear that Jim and Anna are fucking on ROBLOX?

Tom: Why do I live in this world

by gæming January 19, 2019


A game where 8 year olds get fucked as hard as their Roblox online girlfriend does

Roblox stuffs

John: can u fuck me now I’m ready
Emily: sure 😏
*a few minutes later*
*one moment later*

by EveyRBLX December 24, 2023


A game where u can steal ur mothers credit card a buy robux.l to look cringe

Ur mother: "where is my credit card?"
Innocent child: "oH yEaH i StOlE uR cReDiT cArD tO bUy RoBuX oN rObLoX"
Ur mother: "no"

by Toast Drinkers December 17, 2021



Every logical person ever: Roblox is shit

by HexyMcSexy April 6, 2021


A religion in which people praise their god by playing "adopt me"

Yo wanna pray? *hops in Roblox*

by mamacomehereapproachappear December 15, 2020


The best game in the world where people do so fun things and hate on a player called I_MaxRoblox.

Roblox is so good! except I_MaxRoblox exists. F*ck him

by RobloxFan December 11, 2023