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.The most overused term in Among Us. It makes you immediately get ejected.

Cyan: Red kinda be sus
Yellow Red sus
Red: Yellow sus.
Purple: Red sus

by TeBraxPlus November 18, 2020


giving the impression that something is questionable or dishonest; suspicious.
relating to or denoting a law under which a person could be arrested on suspicion of having committed an offence.
suspicion of having committed a crime.

"it's a little sus that he seems to know exactly how to play this game"
"the sus law"
"he was picked up on sus"
"WhEn Ze ImPoStOr Is SuS"

by ANimal CrossinG man March 27, 2022


Snobby, conceited, rude - not cool

She is hella sus to everyone

by 500DaysOfAtumn March 9, 2016


A gay person or thing.

That kid is sus, no one likes him.

by Trey A E March 1, 2019



Very often used in the game: Among Us, to tell that someone might be the Impostor.

green: red is sus, I saw him near the dead body.
red: no I did my task in reactor

by ExpertzZ September 28, 2020


Snobby, conceited, rude - not cool

She is hella sus to everyone.

by 500DaysOfAtumn March 9, 2016


when the impostor is sus

red is acting kinda sus.....

by sluggiepie September 7, 2021