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Toilet Paper Patriot

Toilet Paper Patriots are those American citizens who are in support of the insurrection on Jan 6 but were too much of a coward to do it themselves.

Also those who promoted and incited the rhetoric via Social Media that caused the Jan 6 insurrection but was didn't take part in the attack itself are also Toilet Paper Patriots.

Carl talked all big and bad about how he would do something against the government if given the chance but when the time came he was at home in his mom basement being a Toilet Paper Patriot.

by ORC was here May 7, 2021

toilet ball

the floating ball in older style toilet mechanisms that float in the toilet tank to tell the valve when to stop filling

Can you buy a new toilet ball?

by Billiam Beaver October 5, 2016

toilet phone

A phone that has been dropped at least once in the toilet

-hey I love your phone
-me too, but it's a toilet phone, so...

by Hotwheels100 April 3, 2016

Fresh Toilet Rich

So rich that you can afford to have your toilet replaced by a fresh one after you use it once.

"Forget about making six figures, I'm trying to get Fresh Toilet Rich!"

by BlorpBlorp August 31, 2017

Toilet Jerk

The toilet jerk is when you jerk off on the toilet. Most likely to happen after being denied from a female or before taking a shower.

John: Yo this chick finessed me tonight after she said she was gonna come thru and suck some dick.

Adam: Damn man, rip a toilet jerk and call it a night.

by JT slay November 10, 2022

bubbling toilet

A rare phenomenon that occurs when you take a stool softener and a laxative at the same time turning your fecal matter into lava

Bro I just took a laxative and a stool softener and now there is a bubbling toilet bowl n the bath room

by Blackhammer1992 October 25, 2017

Toilet Bruise

A streak left on the inside of the toilet bowl from a massive dump. The streak remains even after flushing.

Ryan left a major toilet bruise in church toilet right before his wedding ceremony.

by Dr. Jebediah Toolshed M.D. March 16, 2019