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Mathew Adams

“Define Mathew:
Tiny eyes
Has never (will) never get a girl friend

Starts drama
Makes people feel bad

ewwwwwww look there’s Mathew Adams gross my poor eyes I can’t see anymore”!!!!🤨😡😒

by Gruby.geo March 1, 2018

adams gender

ford raptor 2.2 diesel engine 4 wheel rear wheel drive with built in sattelite navigation features including new bluetooth call functions so your eyes never leave the road

adams gender is similar to a ford raptor, also kimpembe and dat big man

by adamisseverelydyslexic February 13, 2022

Adam Waleed

the best person to ever live

Adam Waleed is the best of all time

by 7bibi 7abaso :) June 2, 2021


A man unlike any other.

To be The Adam of a group is to be the one who would drive to Costco and return with delicious giant strawberries. Every friendship group needs one like this to be the bearer of good strawbs.

The Adam is someone who would never fetch water for himself without fetching a glass for others.

This kind of man would usually drink mint tea.... only with fresh leaves.

One cannot be a real ADAM without owning Pacman tshirts.

That man was such an...The ADAM.

Why do you have to go and be all The ADAM about this?

by XOFD September 7, 2018

THE Adam

THE Adam refers specifically to THE Adam from DP-1. THE Adam is an outstanding specimen of a male human and has everything every male hopes to get, and is everything every woman wants. SADLY he is so preoccupied with building his crypto future that not many women will ever get to experience his true beauty and masculinity.

THE Adam is such a sexy guy bro, oh my god his biceps.

THE Adam must go to the gym in order to be able to carry the weight of his massive balls.

by Xenwow January 29, 2022

John Adams

American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer and Founding Father.
2nd President of the United States (1797-1801)

John Adams was the second President of the United States.

by slayert March 7, 2022

adam arab

Adam Arab is the most beautiful most awesome boy ever. Girls would die for a boy like Adam. Doesn't matter who you are he will show you how much he loves you. One thing you can say about Adam is that he loves it when people compliment him.

"I love my boyfriend so much"
"What's his name?"
"Adam Arab"
"Wow you are so lucky"

by Awesome Queen June 23, 2018