Slang for Queer or Having a Queer Identity.
“We stay on that soup shit”
“All my homies souped up”
“I’m feeling extra soupy today”
Slang for Queer or Having a Queer Identity.
“We stay on that soup shit”
“All my homies souped up”
“I’m feeling extra soupy today”
A large group of people in a small space who overwhelms you
“I don’t like soups”
“I can’t deal with soups”
“This is soups so I gotta go”
A large group of individuals in a small space that overwhelms you
I hate soups.
Soups are too much.
I don’t have it in me for soups today.
The tasty mix after sex of the man's cum, the woman's squirt and a healthy dose of piss from both sides.
Man: "How does the soup taste today?"
Woman: "Fishy."