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A cracker is a word used to define white people, however it is not a racial slur by any-means. In fact, "cracker" has the same effect as if calling a rat, not necessarily a bad word, but it contain a negative/joking conetenation.

Why are all these crackers staring me down?

by .sewer rat. April 16, 2022


A cracker is a white dude or chick, cracker is a derogatory insult used against white people

Jamal #1: Oh hey white boy, how you doin? why don’t you shoot up another school you fucking cracker

by Welcometothe.club December 29, 2021


someone you find good looking or fit

Omg look at him!! he’s an absolute cracker😍

by soap chicken April 23, 2022


What rich southern white people called poor southern white people in the 1800s.

Rich white guy: "Eww, don't touch me you poor cracker!"
Poor white guy: "Well at least I'm not a nigger"

by S1rL3git July 18, 2023



Oh Harry's a fucking cracker

by majejdkdodifjdkd September 3, 2022


motherfucker who likes crackers dipped into their soup.

you damn cracker always dipping crackers in your soup

by dr. doofnshmrerts February 27, 2021


Ollie Slater

Person: "Ollie Slater is a fat cracker, he left the heating on"

by Scotch37 February 5, 2023