To lead someone into having sex with you and then leave immediately after and never communicate or be associated with them again as if they never exsisted. Can also be abbreviated to S&L.
"Girl, remember the boy I met the other week, yeah well he full did a smash and lash on me."
When an absolute Danny heed of a mate goes full World Trade Centre in your gaff or the pub and completely wrecks everybody's drinks, smashed the windows, head butts the puggy and still thinks it's cool to go to the bar for another drink.
Franky, code red bro! Ben Smash situation happening at the Commercial in West Calder!!
an asshole thats been fucked by 8 dicks at one time and its all prolapsed and shit
I feel like a bag of smashed assholes
An awful smell, or when something or someone stinks.
Did you shower today , cause you smell like a Barrell full of Smashed Assholes
When you get your ass hole pounded and smashed
The prostitute has a smashed hole
When you fuck a fat batch and you get a smacking sound
Daniel and jennifer had a good jelly smashing