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Reverse Porn

Reverse Porn n.

When watching porn you are focused on one thing... the porn. Reverse porn is...

1. Anything that distracts you from, and keeps you from doing what you are suppose to be doing or working on. such as a television show, when you are suppose to be doing homework.

2. An example of reverse porn actually being porn could be what is going on right now. I am trying to focus on righting a definition, but I have a porn flick open in the other window, thus distracting me from the first task.

Your Boss: Hey {insert your name here... Huh Huh Insert}, Did you get that Chalmers case finished last night.

You: No I was distracted by some reverse porn of some car chases last night.

Your Boss: Your fired.

by Gamewizard November 12, 2009

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bacon porn

Type of pornography where one enjoys watching grease drip down fresh, hot strips of bacon.

Dude, this bacon porn is amazing.

by J. Skrilla August 16, 2008

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Torture porn

A phrase for a genre of horror films that seriously-very-douchebaggy critics came up with, and critic-sheep use as a mantra.

They tend to mindlessly apply them to the Saw films, The Devil's Rejetcs and Hostel without actually doing any research. But when your opinion is popular, you don't need to do research, amirite?

Saw is usually accused of starting the torture porn genre. For more on that theory, see: flat-out fucking lie

You see, Cannibal Holocaust came out twenty years ago, much more violent than all the Saw/Hostel/Devils Rejects films put together. That was 1980, so this didn't come out of nowhere with Hostel and Saw.

Plus, the Texas Chainsaw/Halloween/Friday the 13th remakes have been regarded as "torture porn" by some, even though they're the same as they were twenty years ago.

So...it is possible that we're just in an age of oversensitive-politically-correct douchebaggery?

Our crack team of researchers say...yeah, pretty much.

Person who thinks: Hostel and Saw aren't actually made for sick people, if you take time to really analyze it, you'll see it is deeper than it appears. The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" applies in most corners of life, including horror films.

Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1

Person who thinks: Actually, Saw fans are people who see the films not even for the gore, they enjoy the characters, the message, the story--

Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1

Person who thinks: They're still just movies. Besides, if they're meant to be horror, isn't that what they're supposed to do? If they exploit on it, isn;t that the whole point? Would you call a sad romance film that exploits audience emotions "romance porn", or a funny comedy that exploits the audience sense of humor "comedy porn"?

Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with teh torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1

(Super-impose on the screen):
Arguing with someone who thinks Saw/Hostel are torture porn; it really is like dividing by zero.

by RageAgainstTheMorons June 25, 2009

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gif porn

when you are addicted to GIFs

hey boddy i think i have a gif addiction

lol i smeling gif porn here XD

by mehdihadj April 8, 2017

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Verbal Porn

The action of telling in-depth pornographic imagery to someone else.

I just told my friend Will some verbal porn about a lesbian orgy.

by SlyFire36 July 10, 2010

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Christian Porn

When a self proclaimed person declares themselves a Christian and is caught watching Porn.

Man, I just caught that Christian dude watching porn on his laptop!

Must be Christian Porn!

by Uarebusted April 29, 2014

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Fake Porn

Videos on the internet of people having fake sex that give you a fake boner

Skarlet: My fake boner is getting soft
David:Go watch some fake porn it will get that shit fake hard!

by AlphaWolf121 January 2, 2012

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