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Friction point

First part of penis to chafe itself raw after meat beating for the 4th time without proper amount of knuckle butter present

I told my doctor I yanked so hard by the time I was done my friction point got a staph infection

by Bob sagets muffbrow January 30, 2020

Crap-gathering point

A place where hoarders and/or procrastinators put things like dirty dishes, books or other items.

When I checked on my roommate, their room had several crap-gathering points consisting of dirty plates and bowls; their filthy clothes; and empty soda cans.

by June 13, 2021

Point Farmer

Someone who posts truckloads of juicy internet content (memes, videos, etc) to get internet points in return.

Those meme channels are big point farmers!

by Based Cow December 5, 2021

Reverse pointing

When you point at someone to be like "This is the guy!", but really you're like "I'm way more important. Everyone is looking at me by default. I have to point at this dumb loser for anyone to pay attention to him."

Did you see Trump reverse pointing at Kobach? That dumb loser wants to be mini-Trump and Trump was like "People don't even know who you are. I have to point at you just so someone will look at you. I really am the greatest. People love me. They love the things I point at. So true. I've heard many people say it."

by boy bedlam August 9, 2018

Danilation Point

A type of punctuation related to the elipsis (...) but with less rules. Can be used at the end of any word, sentence etc.. When a full stop seems too little and an elipsis is way much.

1. I really don't care..
2. That's you're problem..

Danilation points can only b used in writing.

by Галя M. April 7, 2011

point oh eight

point oh eight or point zero eight stands for 0.08% of alcohol limit. If the officer believes you are at or over the 0.08% limit or under the influence of a controlled substance, he will place you under arrest and read or recite to you that state’s implied consent admonition. That means you are driving under the influence (DUI).

She said:" You can get busted for drunk driving with a point oh eight reading. That's about four shots of straight hundred-proof alcohol in the bloodstream."

by Winter's Opposite December 14, 2017

Freedom Points

Consecutive Numerical digits which are also referred to as currency, money, etc. Which allow for one to have more buying power or freedom to purchase goods or necessities. In a world that requires money to live a to certain degree of freedom, depending on the amount of Freedom Points one has. -JAV93

I just got my Stimmy, yay! I have more freedom points! Now I can afford my own car 😁


by JuicyJorge March 24, 2021