When someone is too attached to their ex who they still like and want to be together with.
“Damn bro, joe is so whipped” said caspargus
“I know right, he just loves a big forehead I guess” replied watermelon
to be incredibly in love with your significant other. like really very grossly in love.
oh man hanuel is so fucking whipped. he would do anything for kyou.
doing whatever your partner says, always being around them and being a lick arse xx
jesus! amy is whipped for nojus.
The act of doing what youre significant other wants, when they want it.
Kami- "Andrew stop the fucking car right fucking now"
*Andrew slams on brake pedal*
God damn Andrew is whipped
When your so caught up in a realationship and so in love that nothing else matters
"You're hella whipped! You have 257 photos of your boyfriend in your phone and you haven't been dating for more than 2 months???"
When two people end up being stuck/whipped together and nothing cannot be broken apart. It is as if they cannot talk or not keep apart for a very short period of time.
Me: Fuck Alec and Eunice are whipped as fuck
Hamish: *woopish*