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School aborior

A theoretical schooling system that would exist in theory in a society with no government intervention, were those who have enough money will not pay for schools to teach their children, but as a regular occurrences pay certified teachers to immediately graduate their students scoring near 100% on to be proven smarter easily.

Demetrius: How do you think schools would work without governments?
Costa: I believe there may be a lot of school aborior.

by YourLocalAnonymousPerson February 22, 2021

Athens Area High School

A school full of furrys, power-tripping teachers, country kids, and some normal people. This school is known for kids beating up other kids in the bathrooms and vaping. More kids vape in the school than there are teachers. There are a lot of kids that think or have depression and people don't care. the school has a various selection of red-headed sociopaths.

Athens Area High School is crazy as fuck

by Hahxjsdhajkxhdj November 22, 2021

Union High School (Tulsa)

The best school for black people in Oklahoma.The most diverse school you will ever see in Oklahoma.

You:You go to Union High School (Tulsa)
you:man ik y’all be gettin lit as hell

by uzi/is/daddy September 13, 2021

Willow Glen High School

The world’s shittiest school that somehow looks more like a prison than an actual prison. I would think Jeffery Dahmer would feel at home here.

Have you been to Willow glen high school?

Yes, I saw these two kids drinking beers outside the library.

by Loopitee March 14, 2024

The Sports School

India's 1st Integrated School for Sports & Academics. Located in Bangalore, The Sports School was established with a vision to integrate sports and education to encourage young sports enthusiasts and support professional athletes. The Sports School encourages & provides means to students from Grade 5 to Post Graduation, to balance their pursuit for sporting excellence without compromising on their academics.

The Sports School is India's 1st Integrated School for Sports & Academics.

by Sportiyapa November 27, 2021

Baylor Law School

Where Christian fundamentalists go to law school to learn how to deprive rights, persecute others, coerce contracts, file frivolous suits, impose harsh sentences, and scam the courts in the name of so-called "religious freedom" in secret boot camps that other law students don't know about.

Jew:" He's actually arguing that he his religious freedom gives him the right to harass and kill Jews and gays!"

Gay: Oh my, he must have gone to Baylor Law School. God speed!

The Baylor Law School prosecutor said "sign here and confess, right now, or else they're gonna impose serious consequences and add another charge. You don't want that do you? Sign here."

The Baylor Law School Judge's ruling was: "Because the defendant was smoking a fag in a school zone, we're imposing the maximum sentence of 20 years to send a clear message to the public that "smoking fags" on school premises is a serious offense."

I wish I could get into Baylor Law School.

by Joey2dope May 25, 2023

National wear trainers to school day

The only day that you can wear trainers to school. September 22

Oi Callum remember, it’s national wear trainers to school day you don’t need your shoes

by Elliot big cock September 23, 2021