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Spouse's half-brother or half-sister's husband.

My half-brother-in-law is a good person.

by Rwopazaq November 24, 2019


1- Parent's half-second-cousin's child.
2- Grandparent's half-first-cousin's grandchild.
3- Great-grandparent's half-sibling's great-grandchild.
4- Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and one great-great-grandparent in common.

My half-third-cousin is a good person.

by Gerald128 May 17, 2021

Half-Boned Prince

In the middle of sex, as dude gets up to grab/check something before returning back to finish.

There goes my half-boned prince off to check his phone.

by Irohem August 22, 2020

Half-Baked Sunday

Sundays where the previous night had been spent partying too hard and any attempt at cooking/cleaning/anything is bound to be half-assed as you are too mashed or hung-over

This can be followed up by actually half-baking something ie. mix flour, sugar and water, put in oven for 20 mins just until golden and manky, serve with a lemon in a glass (lemonade) and voilas! Half-baked cookies and lemonade! try selling these on the streets, just don't blame me if you get arrested in your mums dressing gown.

"whats goin on?....."not much, just another half-baked sunday, and i'm really feelin it too!""

by El Flaymo January 8, 2007


1. The husband of one's parent's half-sister.
2. The half-brother of one's parent-in-law.

My half-uncle-in-law is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019

half right, face!

the command in most branches of the US Armed Forces usually precedes "front leaning rest position, move!"

for those uninitiated, the leaning rest is the formal name for push-up position.

so, this command is when you know you're fucked.

DS: Why were you late, Private?
PFC: Sergeant, I wa-
DS: NO EXCUSES, PRIVATE! (In command-calling voice:) HALF RIGHT, FACE!
PFC, MENTALLY: haha. I'm boned.

by GodtheUSMCFuckingSucks May 9, 2022

Springing a Half Chub

When you're laying on the couch or like literally doing anything or nothing at all and out of nowhere your dick gets medium hard

I hate springing a half chub in the middle of watching the news

by pa1patin3didn0thingwr0ng August 27, 2020