Source Code

emo violin

Replace bow with knife.
Replace violin with wrist.
Proceed to saw.


Go play the emo violin, loser.

by Chantaloonars June 20, 2005

270๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo out

to sit and sulk about ones love life while cranking winey emo music.

Sarah stood up Steve, so Steve decided to go home and emo out.

by steve November 8, 2004

52๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo jeans

Vacuum-fit jeans that leave no room for a guys' privates to breathe (sometimes cutting off their entire lower-body blood circulation), resembling dark-colored, opaque saran wrap if it were wrapped around one's legs. They are preferred by boys of that kind of style (way of life, fashion, however you wanna patent it), with long, lithe, gamine (did someone say chicken?) legs. Occasionally, you'll see a boy or two with an unusually blessed behind or front, with either of those body parts wanting to pop out of them that you could just swear it would take just one more gait and the thing would rip off just like *snap*.

Kevin: Dude, why are you drooling? Are you looking at that emo kid over there?
Gary: Yea, shut up. I'm trying to concentrate.
Kevin: Concentrate on what? Those emo jeans?
Gary: Yea, well can't you see? His bottom half looks exactly like your sister's.

by i love second hand smoke March 14, 2005

314๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo pants

for boys so in other words girl pants......excepionally tight. a wise emo friends once told me....... "crap i dont have my cell phone these freaking girl pants are to tight"!

my friend kailey wears emo pants because he's cool like that!

by ashliey and alex (logan) September 11, 2005

281๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo brat

Somebody who's emo and claims that their life sucks.
Normally a rich kid who wants attention.
A lot of them pretend to be suicidal.
Writes really bad emo poetry.

Liza is pretending to cut her wrists again. God she's such an emo brat.

by boho hobo September 12, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo hair

Emo hair is a collection of variations of the angular, backward mullet, (esotericaly known as the "hypotenuse"). Emo hair style is also known as the "Swoosh," and should deliberately be associated with the slang adjective "Swish." Almost always black (dyed or natural), emo hair has the unique ablility to make its adherents brain-damaged to the point where they believe looking like others constitutes being unique.

A squared plus B squared equals the C squared hypotenuse of all those emo-clones' emo hair.

by Marcus Solomon September 3, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo blows

1. A synonmyous variation of "emo sucks," which is an indisputable fact because emo is a false musical/fashion genre with absolutely nothing new to offer other than its own bland hodge-poge rip off of other, genuine musical subcultures, false negativity, and pride in looking like all other emo clones.

2. When one sad emo boy sucks the sad, limp penis of another emo clone.

3. A pathetic "girl punch" and/or "sissy slap" thrown at anyone in the vacinity of an emo clone whom is in the midst of a contrived tantrum.

1. I had a mystical vision, wherein the ultimate truth was revealed to me and inscribed in stone it said: "emo blows!"

2. I caught sad Sammy and homo Hank giving each other emo blows under the bleachers at the Sadie Hawkins dance.

3. That emo kid over there just unleased a flurry of emo blows and even though he connected, nobody felt a thing but amused pity.

by Marcus Solomon October 27, 2007

73๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž