Source Code

Dipping Easter Eggs

When a man has his partner hold kool aid in their mouth while the man squats over their face and dip their testicles into the mouth in a tea-bagging motion ultimately dying his nuts his chosen shade of kool aid. For a little extra kink, the man faces his partners feet while dipping and gets a little tickle on his black eyed susan with his partners nose. (A little KY on the tip of the nose and you'll have a smoother landing). This can be made more festive with any holiday season with a little creative thought. For example, green for St. Patty's Day. Enjoy!

Do to an ill timed cough, Alice had trouble explaining to her mother why she was stained red on her face and most of her chest. She was well warned thought Eric as he showed of his brightly colored nuts to his impressed friends being the first to be "Dipping Easter Eggs".

by bananas republic April 10, 2010

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one egg short

one car short of twelve.

Lil Wayne- King Kong

"Iโ€™m one egg short, Iโ€™m just tryin to get a dozen."

by n.oNigga December 20, 2007

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runny egg ass

A type off ass on a woman which resembles sunny side up eggs jiggling on a plate. Also the type of shit you have after a long night of draft beer drinking.

Man 1: "gross look at that bitches ass."

Man 2: "I know you would figure she wouldn't wear spandex with that runny egg ass!"

Second definition:

Man 1: "dude I got so fucked up last night and today I'm shitting goo."

Man 2:"aww man you got runny egg ass!"

Man 1: "yea I need some toast cuz this tp isn't cutting it."

by toomanyumbrellas November 23, 2009

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see egg-ware

hey man u know any good egg-warez sites?

by dabigpig May 21, 2004

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Egg McCocky

Synonym for a McDonald's Egg McMuffin.

I'm gonna bang that hooker then eat some Egg McCocky.

by Danny Dizeets June 6, 2007

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Egg drop soup

When a person earns their redwings by licking up a woman's thick soupy monthly, and in the process, inadvertently swallows the chicks unfertilized egg.

I got way to drunk last night and ate out my girl friend. The bitch didn't tell me she was on the rag, and I think I had some egg drop soup.

by Man-O-Whore May 28, 2006

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crack my eggs

fertilize my eggs; impregnate me

I want the villain from Black Panther to crack my eggs

by 42069salt March 11, 2018

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