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Jizz Jennifer

A person who likes to be the center of a nasty bukkake party, usually the totally out-of-her mind porno star with big lips and fake boobs.

She was taking all that jizz in her face like a good jizz Jennifer.

by Brittle Ninja February 27, 2022

Fruit Jizz

A form of expressing approval of a female's buttocks or bosom

Nathaniel noticed the new girl in class had a particularly fine pair of buttocks, and decided to express his interest to his friend Kyan.

Nathaniel: fruit jizz on that girl's ass my dude
Kyan: *sips rockstar* agreed my dude. Her buttocks do look very fine indeed.
Nathaniel: *taps girls ass*

by MrKappa March 7, 2019

Jizz Turkey

When something is going to be hard to swallow.

Chuck took that Jizz Turkey shot.

by El Diablo 6669 October 5, 2022

jizz jug

When you take an empty coffee cream container and cream into it and either let someone else use it or use it as a replacement for coffee creamer (current tense: jizz jugging)

John: Dude, Marcus jizz jugs way too much!
Bill: Yeah, I think we need to get him an intervention.

Aaron: I love jizz jugging in my spare time.
Elena: Same.

by jizzjuggernumber1 June 30, 2024

Jizz nasty

1. The act of getting a large amount of jizz all over something or someone.

2. Having a good time.

3. When something is amazing.

1. “Dude, did you get jizz nasty all over the tub?”

2. “Let’s get jizz nasty tonight!”

3. “Yo, this pasta is jizz nasty!”

by momluver69 October 17, 2021

jizz plank

When an over-eager teenage male has sex for the first time and straightens out like a board when he ejaculates, putting all his weight on his partner and laying stiff for a few moments of awkwardness.

"Harry totally jizz planked me and then just laid there on top of me for like five minutes grunting and wheezing, I almost suffocated beneath him"

by Trollbert June 30, 2022

Chuck Jizz

To allow your most ridiculous ideas to project out of you with reckless abandon (no f¥cks given) in the knowledge people won’t f@ck with them regardless and that’s ok because you do. Stupid ideas are the key to an innovative future.

“Stupid ideas I feel are like sperm cells that fight to reach the egg during the process of reproduction. Some of these sperms are in our thoughts and some in the universe and the egg is the prize, the goal which is called innovation. Now the competition is good as long as someone wins. But my idea here is to generate twins. I want more people to win. For that to happen more stupid ideas like the sperm cells which lost track needs to reach their goal towards innovation. What can we do? Create more sperm cells(stupid ideas) or help existing sperm cells(stupid ideas) to reach the egg(innovation stage)or find them other eggs by creating more eggs to reach by giving them a direction.” - Bijswajeet Das (date unknown)

“It’s probably best not to use Chuck Jizz in verbal conversation. I have on various occasions and it’s incredibly uncomfortable”

by Alabama Lucydrop April 11, 2021