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tier 1 sub

A tier 1 sub is the cheapest subscription plan you can buy on Twitch, and oftentimes is the only plan you'll ever need.

Subscribing at tier 1 gives you access to at least a good 95% of the streamer's emotes, as well as other channel perks such as a sub-only discord community.

Anything higher than tier 1 has little to no perks, other than having a more distinguished sub badge.

Insert username here has gifted a tier 1 sub to Joe_Mama!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 2, 2021

1-Line Wednesday

1-Line Wednesday

1-Line Wednesday: A segment on the world famous Chris Daniel Show, where listeners can play along by saying one line, and one line only. There is no screener, but nothing excessively obscene and no profanity is allowed. It is open to both AM and FM broadcasts, but generally ruled by the AM with an iron fist, while the FM tends to their sore bee-hinds for the next week.

Notable examples include: "picking a candidate is like trying to choose which flavor suppository to purchase", "Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the world's largest penis museum is located in one of the coldest countries on Earth?", as well as many relevant and current political topics.

One-Line Wednesday is a staple of American freedom, as it is one of the most powerful ways to broadcast our first amendment right, once a week, EVERY week, and enjoyed by patriots young and old.

Chris: 1-Line Wednesday is up next guys, remember: you get one line and one line only. Nothing obscene and no profanity.

Chris: 1-Line Wednesday, go ahead.

FM Caller: uhhh.. UHHH...

(Hangs up)
Chris: That's your one line. Let's go to the AM side.... 1-Line Wednesday, your turn.

AM Caller: If Miley Cyrus is now 'pan-sexual'... does that means I'm gonna have to hide my Revere-Ware?

Chris and Phil: AHAHAHAHA... UHHH..

Chris: Only the ones with handles... hah... Point to the AM side.

by iPwn™ November 17, 2016

Top 1 Extreme

Refers to the top hardest “Extreme Demon” level on the unofficial Demon List for the game developed by Robert Topala (RobTop, RobTopGames) Geometry Dash. Geometry Dash is a 2-D rhythmic based platformer game, in case you didn’t know. Top 1 Extremes aren’t forever as they do get replaced by more and more of them as the existence of the creation of more extremely hard level carry’s on.

Some Random Guy: Did you hear that Trick verified a new Top 1 Extreme?
Some Other Random Guy: No, but that’s totally cool dude!

by BonKyWonKyXD March 6, 2023

Altin G 1

Altin Zenulahi had always suspected that something was off about the world he lived in. He had always felt that there was more to life than just the mundane routine that everyone else seemed to accept so easily. So, he began to investigate and dig deeper, until he stumbled upon the shocking truth: his reality was a mere simulation, a construct of a vast and powerful machine called the Matrix.

Determined to break free from this false world and discover the real truth, Altin decided to use his strength and ingenuity to escape the Matrix. He knew that he would need a weapon to defend himself against the agents of the Matrix, who were tasked with keeping the prisoners trapped inside. So, he crafted a hammer and a nail, using his knowledge of engineering and metallurgy.

But just having a weapon wasn't enough. Altin also had to learn how to fight like a sumo wrestler, using his weight and momentum to push back against his opponents. He trained tirelessly, day and night, perfecting his technique until he became a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Altin G 1 is a true Top G

by Onegreatstorytellerdude. February 14, 2023

On a Scale of 1-Fail

When a comment, idea or situation is so bad it requires a rating on a scale.

Because Scales and Fails are SRS BSNESS

"On a scale of 1-Fail, I'm feeling your idea is all fail"

"On a scale of 1-Fail Steve, your comments on late-term abortions are pointing towards fail"

"After telling my friends I had important work to be doing and couldn't come to some chicks b-day party at work, yet instead sat in my underwear sweating profusely until 3am pounding the ass of a giant dragon with an extremely low chance of dropping some sort of epic item for my elf alter-ego

At this point I Realised, On a Scale of 1-Fail.. My Life was all Fail"

"Steve: Oh god man, I sneezed so hard I think.. I think I shat my pants.

Dave: I'm not even bringing the scale in on this one, gtfo Steve, I Don't even know why we hang with you man"

by Phauxed June 11, 2010


An extreme evolution of the phrase: "qwertyuiop". A phrase usually typed when bored.

This phrase is typed by pressing every key (other than function keys or special keys) in a pattern
In the pattern, you do the outside numbers and letters first, and then move onto the middle letters.

Person 1: Hey guess what! I typed "1\2z3x4c5v6b7n8m9,0.-/=qawsedrftgyhujikolp;'#" into urban dictionary and there were no results!

Person 2: Can you shut the fuck up?

by HeheHahaHeheheheahahahaha April 26, 2022

Douchebag 1 & 2

These guys

Do you believe these are my sons? Meet Douchebag 1 & 2

by SlimJam August 12, 2020