Source Code

hey its me your dry skin

with cerave you can get the ceramides that your body needs

hey its me your dry skin, nigga

by the cerave guy December 15, 2024

skin johnny

A skin johnny is someone, usually a male, who is a giant, annoying jerkoff.

"Hey, you know jim strong? He's a real skin johnny!"

by Hair and teeth February 10, 2025

Skinned Quail

When a man grabs the base of their scrotum making it look like a quail that has had all of the feathers plucked off of it.

Hello Jocelyn - have you ever seen a skinned quail?

by werd-smith January 30, 2019

Skin knuckle

A tiny penis that is not erect but is verry tiny and holds it self up by its own tiny size

Tom: hey Joe why did your girl leave you?

Joe: well tom I'm pretty sure the last words she told me before she left with you to your place last Night was " hey tom eat a dick cause that's all your good for with your tiny little skin knuckle !

by Tacoliker March 22, 2018

skin focals

see Bifocaled

Mary was having trouble reading the daily newspaper, so John decided to drop his pants and loan her his skin focals.

by VGJunkie August 29, 2008

Skinned The Snake

When you pull out after having sex and the condom slips off your penis, remaining in the chick's vagina.

I was banging this chick last night, and when I finished, I Skinned The Snake.

by hatterofmaddness July 29, 2013

Skin window

The part of a dolls legs between her sexy high boots and fancy dress

You see that skin window on that pocket ninja.

by Things and stuff February 23, 2020