When she packs a massive lip and precedes to give sloppy top
“Bro, I’m still picking lawn clippings off my cock from that Sloppy Dallas my girl gave me last night”
A blowjob with a mouthful of dip
Your mom gave me a sloppy dallas last night!!!
A blowjob but with a mouth full of dip
Hey honkey wanna sloppy dallas
When a hick chick gives you a BJ with Dip in her mouth
Hick chick: Wanna a Sloppy Dallas?
Soup: Hell yeah baby!
When a girl gives you a sloppy blowjob with a fat lip a dip in.
The hot woman two trailers down gave me one hell of a Sloppy Dallas.
A sexual act where one's partner packs a lip of dip before blowing a man, covering the shaft in dip spit.
Man 1: Hey Soup give me a Sloppy Dallas
Man 2: No way McNasty