Noun. Soup is any seriously dank weed that's being shared by the boys.
Ex: "Hey, wanna go back to Gerry's and share some soup?"
Ex 2: "The Soup is hot."
Ex 3: "How'd Trevor get couchlocked?" "The Soup was too hot for him."
The most dangerous substance to mankind.
"my mum made me some soup, but when i looked on the urban dictionary, I can't swallow it."
The greatest weapon against fascism
Oh don't worry thos is just soup for my family
A Hot Wheels super treasure hunt car. Different from "normal" Hot Wheels cars, a soup normally wears a special paint job and rubber tires on rims. Limited and hard to find, you can be sure to pay a left nut for the most desirable examples.
I cracked open 6 fresh cases of cars today at the local Wal-Mart and didn't find a single soup.