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A food that we eat

Joe drank some soup today

by Man you like food July 31, 2018


jake riley

jake riley do you want some soup?

by sugarplums13 January 12, 2019


Super or nourishing to one's soul

That get together was soup!

by Dingadoo December 24, 2018


Noun. Soup is any seriously dank weed that's being shared by the boys.

Ex: "Hey, wanna go back to Gerry's and share some soup?"

Ex 2: "The Soup is hot."

Ex 3: "How'd Trevor get couchlocked?" "The Soup was too hot for him."

by KickDickem March 13, 2018


The most dangerous substance to mankind.

"my mum made me some soup, but when i looked on the urban dictionary, I can't swallow it."

by the guy without a beard January 11, 2021


The greatest weapon against fascism

Oh don't worry thos is just soup for my family

by Supreme Leader of Fucking February 16, 2021


A Hot Wheels super treasure hunt car. Different from "normal" Hot Wheels cars, a soup normally wears a special paint job and rubber tires on rims. Limited and hard to find, you can be sure to pay a left nut for the most desirable examples.

I cracked open 6 fresh cases of cars today at the local Wal-Mart and didn't find a single soup.

by Yurgens June 5, 2019