A shorts user is a person who uses YouTube Shorts on a daily basis. They are probably the most annoying and retarded Internet users of all time. They overuse phrases and make fun of anything, like using a retarded and stupid porn joke or calling something slightly weird an Ohio thing. They argue on ANYTHING, whether it's history, politics or opinions. They watch/make stupid and retarded sigma videos, stupid fucking reaction videos or any unfunny videos they can find. Overall, bluepilled annoying mongoloids.
xample 1
Shorts user: The Waffle House has found its new host.
Person: Can you please shut the fuck up?
Example 2
Shorts user: Most normal thing in Ohio ๐๐๐
Person: You're so fucking annoying.
Example 3
Shorts user: Bro said small penis ๐๐๐ Edit: OMG TYSM FOR THE LIKES!!!!! Edit: Mom, im famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person: Shut the fuck up already!
Shorts user: Ur father left to go get milk lmao
Person: I'm done with this platform
A very rich short African American boy who if he is smart enough can take your queen. A natural Casanova 100% not a lie. He likes to drink bleach. He is very short and sad. His therapy is going..........ok.
short sad sam touched me in my no no area!!!! CALL THE POLICE
A African American boy who is short and sad who can take ur queen if he is smart. Naturally a Casanova definitely not lie. He is a bleach fan a HUGE walking red flag. He is a very emo 100% boohoo. Certified sad boi.
A man with a large lifted pickup truck and loud exhaust.
James drives a lifted Chevy pickup with a muffler delete. Iโm guessing he has short dick syndrome
Fucks with you the short way means I only deal with you if I have to but I'd rather not fuck with you at all!
"Girl! Let's go over to your co-worker Beyoncรจ house cus she having a party all weekend!"
Me: "Gul hell nawl! I fucks with her the short way only because her and my ex fucked on each other!"
Shorts that show a hella lotta ass.
John: dammmn rebecca's lookin good with them sluty shorts on
Kyle: yeah man, shes thick as
A midget That likes to watch midget porn
Damn Look at it its watching midget porn!
Tonya look at tat short midget its watching porn!