bacon that tastes like socks or socks that tastes like bacon
Guy 1: "Dude did you try that bacon?"
Guy 2: "Bro, it tastes like bacon socks"
A ps3 live name for idiots and just plain wierdos who think there cool but actually dumb.most of the time they are skaters and when they're online they act like their badasses but they are not. They are weird gays who sleep with gay guys and eat pig testicles,henceforth that where swagg bacon nuggs come from. Swagg means sleeping with gay guys and bacon nuggs are pig testicles.
Bobby is such a swagg bacon nugg.
Evritt's name online was swagg bacon nuggs.
Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian's neologism for "doing a good job"
That founder didn't ask for my permission! He is cooking with bacon!
Someone.. or .. rather something.. perhaps.. that is special to me.. er- special. yep heh
Guy #1: Dude I just won this teddy bear for you at dave and busters
Guy #2: Oh my god this is so special to me. thanks, its my new bacon schlab
When there are sexual encounters yet to be finished, and they are very very serious.
man 1: dude I got cockblocked last night
man 2: dude that sucks
man 1: yeah, now I've gotta finish the bacon
Shit; poop; forced grease. The remains left after a painful poop in the washroom.
The remaining feices in the bottom of a toilet after a super painful washroom break; leaving cuts, bruises, and bloody trails on the floor and off the side of the toilet seat. (or on the toilet)
Dude, I scared the bacon shards out of that kid.... Blood. Everywhere.
An erection or sense of arousal caused by the sight, smell, or taste of bacon. Also, an erection or sense of arousal caused by the sound of bacon sizzling, often leading to confusion over the term pansexual.
"It's just a bacon boner, everyone gets them."
"Dale was cooking breakfast, and when I heard the pan sizzle, I got a bacon boner."