Slapping the penis on a clitoris.
When a guy slaps his penis on a women's clitoris, she then has been clam thump ed.
When you palm a girls wet vagina and lick it.
Nigga 1: bro how was it with that girl last night?
Nigga 2: man it was sight, I gave her the ole clam shell.
When you are going down on a girl and accidently breathe her vaginal moist up your nose.
"Man , last night I was going down on this chick, but she was holding me down so tight I couldn't come up for air. I ended up snorting the clam."
(V.) the act of fucking someone from Bulgaria, while acting like a clam, by opening and closing one’d body parts (legs, arms, toes, fingers, ass)
“Bro I did Bulgarian Clam Stomper with her with my fingers while fucking last night”
Term for a woman in alaska that just spends a couple of years fucking and telling a man that she loves him only to take all he owns after she finds one of his friends that has more than her man does and go Fuck him for a few more years and on and on
I hope the polar bears start eating all these alakskan clam snapper up so there's not another season of Alaskan broke bachelor on the heartbreak channel
A vibrator or vibrating dildo used by women to pleasure themselves. vibrator, battery operated boyfriend, vibration-intensive companion, dildo, Hitachi, clitoris, vagina, orgasm
My clam shaker was out of batteries, so Friday night was a bust.
a boy who contains aid infected clam juice in his tittys and has a very undersized peny weeny
oh you see clam nipples over there he mustve cam out of and ally with a black man named latrelle