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Bruv Guy

A guy who makes up for not having a personality by using the word “bruv” in a British accent, though they themselves are not British

Hell yeah that dudes insecure about himself, he’s a Bruv Guy.

by Vrub June 18, 2020

Guy Ricci

An elderly cat with the flu enjoying it's last moments of life.

I saw a cute guy ricci walking down the street yesterday, i feel so bad...

by Ebony Whitewod March 15, 2012

nicer guy

A Guy who is nicer then a nice guy.

Sex is good with a nice guy. But better with a nicer guy.

Nice guys finish last
Nicer guys finish 1st

by Zenith Felwood April 6, 2018

Pizza Guy

The unexpected 4th participant in a planned 3 way.

Our 3 way accidentally turned into a 4 way when the pizza guy showed up at the door.

by fortwenty August 30, 2021

Katelyn Guy

One who is a creepy person who often sneaks into the daycare in a fedora in a bikini.

Yikes! That is a Katelyn Guy!


Emo guys

Emo guys are usually nice kind but can be rude to people who make fun of them we have a soft side too so don't make fun of us because of use being homosexual.

Emo guys especially a person who is overly sensitive and full of angst or adopts a certain style characterized by dyed black hair, tight t-shirts and jeans, etc.

by EmoDude7101 May 20, 2020

glider guy

the best mincraft speedrunner, fuck off

glider guy doesnt know how to craft an iron chestplate

by theinternetpleb May 5, 2021