smoke cigarettes; to smoke massive quantities of cigarettes while pounding some beers or alcohol of some sort
Hey, Grant do you want to come over and pound some beers, and beat some heats tonight?
its the time every week "to beat an amy"
look at the time its "beat the amy time"
A part of a song, full song, or beat in a song that is so nasty that it could potentially give you a heart attack, therefore rolling you out on a crash cart in the middle of the show.
1: Yo these crash cart beats are rolling over our faces.
2: Yeah man Skrillex is the sh*t!
An unprofessional way to say ‘beats me.’ Mainly used when prompted with a question you have absolutely have no knowledge in.
Origin: Whittier, CA
Chris: “hey Jorge, who drives that shitty lookin RSX”
Jorge: “shiiiit, beats my meat”
Ram Ranch Special. 18 cowboys in Ram Ranch choking the chicken in the shower
Yo wanna join our Meat Beat Bonanza?
Condition diagnosis by obsessively beating the living life out ur meat till no cum is possible to make left shameless & confused long run.
“Doctor sandals i haven’t been feeling too well “ welp let me tell u u have came down on beat the meat itis