Form science fiction: means to fly your rocket. As a rocket travels thru interstellar space, it collides with micrometeorites of various metals, often silver or iridium, and gain a smooth, silver, polished surface.
Commander Tom was the best pilot who ever polish a rocket to Orion and back.
Finger blasting with a electric cord
John: I socket rocketed myself last time
Tom: your gay
A password (usually auto-generated) that is complete nonsense. Example: *)36/Pn=p>(JOp5dcqtUo"@G
These passwords are ironically a good practice to use since a brute-force attack based on non-nonsense data is more likely to guess a password like "fuckrobot34" than "lG.j"UXhSHZ*|c>j|$oBfXr1"
The phrase comes from the assumption that a string of characters needed to launch a rocket would be very random as to protect the system from hijacking.
The password that was suggested to me on looked like a rocket launch code.
When the dick pops out during sex and goes right into the taint
Ow I’m still sore from getting Taint Rocketed last night
When you pull out and got period blood all over your johnson...
"After I finished I noticed she was totally in heat man, shit looked like a murder scene , communist rockets from the USSR bro.
A blunt , super pure weed, super chronic.
Man I hit that green rocket and it was chronic as f***.
As a girl/guy is giving you oral and as you climax you pull there head back and finish up their nose.
Man, last night I gave my girl a inverted snot rocket! She still has a breath right strip on.