A common form of diarrhea, in which soft fecal matter and non digested food (most often lettuce or vegetables) covers much of the toilet's surface water, giving the appearance of a miniaturized marsh, swamp or bog within the bowl. It must then be allowed to linger; no flushing, until potency has been acquired and a second party has declared it to be such.
Also sometimes but rarely known as Bowel Bog
Alex is being a dick, I'm gonna go Shit Swamp his toilet. Wait 15 minutes and then go declare it.
If I find out which of you assholes just laid a Shit Swamp in my bathroom, I'll beat your nads in!
Never mind he declared it for you.
The nauseating whiff of shit smell wafting from the restroom as the door swings open and closed.
After Matt left the restroom, I nearly puked in my chowder from the shit whift.
A song that megan thee stallion made and the song really give hot bitchy girl vibes
"Hands on my kneed shaking ass on my thot shit , post me a pic ,finna make me a profit"
Magma shits is when you ate something very spicy the night before, usually Mexican food or Taco Bell, then when you shit the following morning you experience a violent version of diarrhea mimicking an upside down volcano. The sensation created by this upside down eruption is often very uncomfortable and sometimes painfull with lots of wet,burning feelings resembling burning magma exiting the body.
"After I ate that wet burrito last night I had magma shits this morning and my rear felt like it was on fire."
When a fucker dismisses something upsetting that's happened to you in order to proclaim their own "shittier" experience.
Major pity party.
Pete: I tried to tell Rebecca about my terrible night but she just kept pity shitting on me.
Doris: What a cunt.
An aspiring Politician with a knack for sticking his head up his ass!
When is ol' Romney, going to stop being a Shit Romney?
When someone points out something very obvious
Bill: It’s raining outside
David: No shit sherlock, you think I don’t notice that?