An Emma is a very outgoing and artistic person. Emma's are very diverse but they know what they are doing.Emma's don't usually like people, and they don't take crap from ANYBODY.
Friend 1: Hi Emma!
Emma: Shut up
Emma is a brunette funny ho who will always have ur back, shes the girl you wanna bring with you when you need to fight someone
I wish i was an Emma
A at slut that would take dick from a starfish.
-Solomon Fox Hemmings
Look at that white Emma
now emma is a comman slag u would find on titnder, she will do anything for bit of romance, most of the time shes really good with her mouth
"i found a girl called emma on my tinder"
"what is she like"
"a massive slag"
the most annoying bitch that has ever lived.
malcolm: ugh i hate emma sm
ari: why?
malcolm: because she is just emma. it’s self explanatory luv xx
emma is the rudest bitch you would ever meet and is fake
yeah i don’t like emma she’s a fake bitch