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Shit Migraine

Constipation so bad that it gives you a headache and you see stars. Symptoms include a throbbing headache, light-headedness, sweating, heavy breathing, gut pains and solid shite.

"I'm seeing stars...I feel faint...my head hurts..." - A victim of a Shit Migraine

by Wardie1993 January 9, 2024

Fall off in your shit

When you fall off in somebody shit you beat the fuck out of them or hit them or fight them normally use towards women who don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves

Keep putting your hands on me and I’m a fall off in your shit

See if I fall off in your shit now I’m wrong

by Of_77n22nd February 12, 2025

king shit

Freeloading off your parents money to buy gasoline + drive while living in their basement + talkin smack on the internet

You guys avoided rent again this year.....and your 29......King Shit!!

by Justboughtacondo February 10, 2022

shit bird

One the the best forms used by Savage AF Men when they are trying to snag one of the most INCREDIBLY SEXY and AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL CREATURES left in this world alive...

(..Desirable goddess just replied to his comment on a popular social media platform ..)
JUSTIN aka Savage AF guy: shit bird!! Will you marry me?
GORGEOUS GODDESS: Yes, of course!!...but did you call me a shit bird?

by Huthost March 20, 2020

yo that shit is huge

michaels penis is ginormous omg

"yo that shit is huge" said anthony to michhael

by zigthegreat October 9, 2022

shit skittle

The act of having colored shit

Honey after I ate those cookies I got a shit skittle

by SWS meds November 9, 2020

shit skittle

The act of shoving skittles up a mans ass a shitting it out on his/her face

Jen really fucked me up with that shit skittle

by SWS meds November 9, 2020