Deadly Hug, is when you pat someone on the back
Dude he just got a peaceful Deadly hug
Gently squeezing a females camel toe using your index and middle finger at the second knuckle.
Every time your girl is wearing tights I give her a knuckle hug behind your back.
A hug that goes longer than expected.
I gave the lady in billing a hug and chub when I found out her dog passed away.
A restricting hug that does not allow the other individual to get to class and is released as soon as tardiness is absolute.
"Dude, why were you late to class?"
"These guys came up and Tardy Hugged me. Did I get marked late?"
"Yep, Mr. Franklin marked you tardy."
The act of shitting your pants and hugging someone’s torso backwards while smooshing the shit on them
Doug, if you don’t give me a better assignment I’m going to give you a Reverse Bear Hug!!!
A slang term used to describe sexual interraction between two female homosexuals.
Sarah and I were hoof hugging all night long.
That person could really use a hug with both hands.
I didn't choke anyone! I hugged them with both hands.