the best arctic monkeys album. four out of five is the best song ever written and if you dont like this album you might just not have a high enough iq. also alex turner had a beard and omfg daddy
dumb person: tranquility base hotel and casino is the worst Arctic Monkeys album ever. It’s an unlistenable pile of shit!
smart person: have you even LISTENED to batphone??? its really good.
I know you’ve spent all night looking through base by base till u said let me just skip to 42069 than found this post. well 42069th base is when travel dimensions to the 42069D parrel omnivortexual universe and than fuck a giant octopus God ripping your body to shreds
42069th base
Jean:”how was 49069th base”
Susan:Dead people noises
Jean:”are u sure your alright
Someone who is always looking to get high no matter the circumstances.
synonym: baser
Man i dont even wanna hangout wit chuckie no more that nigga's a strait base case.
If your name is Logan then you may not call yourself based. That automatically makes you “not base”
Wow Logan just called himself based! We better invoke the Logan based rule on him ;)
Having sex on the 27th with a man named Greg and or Gregory.
1. I got to 27th base last night.
2. We should 27th sometime.
based pleebus. stand your ground.
oh god, based pleebus is near...
When you first hold hands with your girl.
Dude: yo, last night I mad it to quarter base!!!
Bro: you guys holdin’ hands already? BET