1. Having a 'Phone break ' The act of withdrawing one's presence from social media interaction for a period of time
2. A precursor to getting Pied off / Ghosted after an extended period of Rizz and Sexting .
"How's it going with Katie ? "
"Bro! She's having a 'Phone Break' !! "
"Man that sucks ! You've been Ghosted hard ! "
I'm not being rude and Ignoring you , I'm having Phone break atm .
Old pervy men go on Warner Leisure breaks to places like Frankley Services and claim their trousers have been stolen in the night.They will pay £200 for 2 lagers and are constantly asking about extra services in the back passages of the property.
Hey Denby,did Warner Leisure breaks find your wallet
break up with her
yo bro it’s national break up with your gf day break up with her
-1👍 3👎
break up with her
yo bro it’s national break up with your gf day break up with her
Smoking a blunt during lunch at work
Nigga let's have a blunch break
To Take A Step Away From Video Games To "Lock IN" Might Include Smoking THC
you get your stig (vape) at exactly 10am on Monday the 9th of August and everyone in the world has to take a drag at that exact time
stig break day is where you get your vape and take a drag of it at the certain time given