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don't tell my dad

commonly used by compulsive liars when lying about pointless shit.

joey: ohhh ya i got a new mustang, but don't tell my dad

by Randoms201 December 23, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mum pegs your dad

1: The phrase used to inform an individual that ones mother partakes in the act of penetrating ones father, usually in the rectal cavity, typically using an artificial, attachable phallic object, commonly referred to as a "strap on" see: pegging

2: A typical friendly response used in online gaming, particularly the hit fps moba by blizzard known as "Overwatch" to express ones disagreement against other players, can be accentuated with the term "cunt" used directly after the phrase.

3: A phrase used to politely end an unwanted conversation with another individual.

Example 1:

Nick: Hey Jim how you going.
Jim: Did you know your mum pegs your dad?
Nick: What do you meaaaaaaan?

Example 2:

Frez: Hey man your not doing anything on widow can you please switch?
Jim: Your mum pegs your dad you stupid cunt, shut up.
Frez: Now this is overwatch

Example 3:

Etho: Hey Jim , how you doin?
Jim: Your mum pegs your dad cunt, don't talk to me

by Single Muslim June 11, 2020

Fucking step dad gon sexual

When a dini walks in on a Marian touching his penis then the dini says wow that's big then they proceed to fuck but then dinis mom comes home and says bubu I am home and walks on them fucking

Www.pornhub.com/Fucking step dad gon sexual

by Wamiscat69 October 5, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your mom & dad gay together

Them most destructive insult of all time 1000 times worse the your mom gay, your dad lesbian, your granny tranny and your grandpap a tarp put together it would end all living relatives at the time.

Jhon your mom gay

Mike your dad lesbian

Jhon you granny tranny

Mike your grandpap a tarp

Jhon your mom & dad gay together

Mike fucking explodes

Mikes family fucking exsplodes

by Drug-Overdose April 11, 2018

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your mom is your dad's mom

"your mom is your dad's mom" is a satirical reference to jokes beginning with "your mom is..."

it came from boredom while walking around target.

if someone is telling "your mom..." jokes, tell them this one, and you will win, for sure, i promise. they won't know what to say. guaranteed to work, everytime.

"your mom is so fat she......blah blah blah"

"your mom is your dad's mom"



*clicks the thumbs down thing*
"yeah? well...your mom is your dad's mom"

by i am soooooo saxy April 24, 2006

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Do you know my dad?

A vague question one asks angry, deep-voiced British skiers after being told not to give someone the stick. Usually answered by a baritone note.


Kid #1: "We're sorry-"

Kid #2: "Do you know my dad?"


by Stra1ght-3dge May 25, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your dad went to the milk store

This condition is usually when you become a Dream/Dream SMP stan.

A Living Human: "Your dad went to the milk store"

by omaksusepic May 9, 2022