National nut day. This is national nut day. On this day all the surviving soldiers from no nut November are allowed to nut for the first time in 30 days
Man: hey today is December 1
Man 2: looks like I can finally nut again
National fuck your girlfriend day
boy: lets fuck
girl: why?
boy: cause it's 13. december
Hardcore December starts on 1th December and ends on 31th December. You start a Minecraft hardcore world. You must play every day at least one hour. You don't need to beat the game just play for a whole month and enjoy. If you die that means you lost.
Mark: Hey James how are you doing in Hardcore December?
James: I lost at 11th Decmber... Creeper blew me up.
Mark: That sucks man.
The day u give someone u like a sweater
You: hey, take this sweater.
Someone: why ?
You: because it’s 3rd of December, the day u give someone u like a sweater.
Someone you like gives you a sweater on 3rd of December
Hoping someone will give you a sweater on 3rd of December… maybe in the future I’ll get a sweater from someone
National give your heather or crush a sweater or receive one from them.
If they have a Heather already and it’s not you
fuck their heather!
“Hey i wanted to give you this sweater”
“Because i like you and it’s 3rd of December, i want you to be my heather. Keep the sweater”
“Oh thank you but I have a heather already…”