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Golden Feces Effect

A term given to a situation where a male is attracted to a female simply because she is currently the best choice in the room or area. It is key to note that the only reason for the attraction is due to the comparison of the female to the other female population.

-Bro, why is Jon hitting on Marisa? She's not very hot.

-It's just the Golden Feces Effect. All the other girls in the room are hideous.

by god's chosen one June 11, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

golden fuck off

what most wage slaves crave, redundancy with a fat payoff.

I wasn't needed anymore, I knew I was going to lose my job but when the boss called me into his office he gave me a golden fuck off. I made 20K!

by Nathdogg June 2, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

golden uterus syndrome

When a biological mother thinks, by virtue of her pregnancy, that she knows what is best for a child, and is entitled to sympathy (i.e., acts martyrly) because of the pain she went through, disregarding the fact that raising a child requires many more years of work and is usually a team effort. They will often diminish the contributions by (ex-)husbands or their child(ren)โ€™s step parents. Their labor pains are also used to excuse bad parenting, as though a few months of bringing a child to term is somehow on par with raising a child to adulthood.

My ex-wife hasn't seen her child for four years but she still thinks she is the better parent... She has Golden Uterus Syndrome.

by Area Resident September 8, 2021

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Golden Gate Bridge

Spanning at 1.2 miles long in the San Fransisco bay,it is one of the most elegant bridges ever built. Construction started around 1933 and finish in 1937. "The bridge that couldn't be built," was finished in May of 1937.

The Golden Gate Bridge is crossed by millions of vehicles and people every day.

by blah959595959595 March 20, 2010

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Golden Snitch

A girl with a very striking nose, a nose so striking it can be given Golden Snitch status, you want to touch the golden snitch!

Oh there's that girl with the Golden Snitch, I HAVE TO TOUCH IT!

by SazMac! August 19, 2007

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Golden Snitch

The act of pissing on a small Styrofoam ball and sticking into a girls vagina. The guy then eats the girl out as she clutches her thighs together to squeeze the pee into the guys mouth.

As I pulled Bridget's shirt off and pushed her on the bed I began to urinate onto a Styrofoam ball that Bridget would soon squeeze into my mouth as an act of maximum pleasure as an act of the Golden Snitch.

by Crackerjj540 January 10, 2010

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Golden Goose Egg

When you dip your hand in gold paint and put it up someones butthole.

My girlfriend gave me a great Golden Goose Egg last night.

by roper.6 September 30, 2011

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