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Bridge Jesus

The creator of bridges, the god of memes, and to all is the most sexy thing in existence. He pwns Minequaft noobs in Bed Wars and creates bridge eggs with his mind. He is truly a Bridge Jesus.

Damn, that manz just pwned that nub in Minequaft Bedwares. That's MLG pro, litty litty litty like a Bridge Jesus.

by neckslapper November 28, 2017

Uno Jesus

Some guy named Jeusu? Is called uno Jesus? I guess.... Top G? nah, Top J.

Yo he's uno Jesus. Mans about to get crucified still but nah... Uno, you, you will die for your sins. He is Uno Jesus!

by Get reversed innit August 19, 2022

Jesus Jimmy

A drink consisting of three shots of Jagermeister with a floater of Chartreuse

Bartender, I'd like me another Jesus Jimmy please

by Mr Buttsponge February 13, 2022

Jesus Money

not actual currency, just hopes and prayers. When people pay you in Jesus money they dont actually pay you in money, they just pray for you.

If she pays us in Jesus Money I'll explode!!

by poopbutjazzfunk June 7, 2011

1👍 1👎

Instinct Jesus

A person who has God level instinct all the time or sometime.

Roger is Instinct Jesus; he escaped a life-threatening accident.

by UmangBhatt February 21, 2023

jesus groupies

religious, but too religious. meet at hipster coffee shops and talk about israel and jesus over coffee.

i saw jesus groupies talking about jesus with every word being jesus.

by ahfdsafjiow October 23, 2017

Bald Jesus

Boomer slang for blow job

Becky gave me a Bald Jesus on the way to the third floor.

by C.CwenttoSouthPark October 30, 2021