Matt Gilliat, also affectionately referred to as Gilly, is undoubtedly at least 65% beer. Return on investment for this DILFage is through the roof, will most certainly effortlessly bang all his daughter’s friends. He puts Bud Light in his cheerios and pisses Mich Ultra. He feels complete with his brothers, has a tendency of getting lost in porta potties.
"Where is everyone?"
-Matt Gilliatt
mason is a gay dude and he loves shaylee
mason is a supid biach daday matt chatting on my dog
they are the best couple in the world and everyone wanna be em
“they are a perfect couple”
“must be matt and olivia”
A fat wannabe gangster who jacks crip typically from NY upstate area
That’s such a Matt white
This disease is heavily contagious and breeds fast asexually. Symptoms are Asian, foaming at the mouth, stupid art phases, consistent hat wearing, and throwing up in bathroom corners. If you have this disease see Johns Hopkins effective immediately to obtain Juul for cure. If you do not obtain cure you will be dumb stupid and contained in cat infested Guses. Bravo 6 has gone dark watch it!
Oh no you have matt Yamagata disease.