Used by schools in central South Africa to inform each other to meet in the bathroom to smoke/vape
person 1: STEEZ BREAK
person 2: time to go steez
person 3: STEEZ BREAK
The act of taking so much weed that you experience something beyond your current understanding.
I'm gonna take like 400 mg to ight, I'm trying to Break the Firmament.
(n.) an unspecified period of time before spring break during which a student (or faculty member) loses the ability to accurately perceive the passage of time.
Dr. Richard Block identified a framework of four interrelated factors that affect this perception: (1) characteristics of the time experiencer, (2) time-related behaviors and judgments, (3) contents of a time period, and (4) activities during a time period.
The Spring Break Effect will cause noticeable changes in everyday life. For example, students will likely experience feelings of acedia (mental sloth, apathy, indifference, boredom) or exhaustion caused by sleep deprivation. Days will run together to the point where they are distinguished only by the assignments or exams scheduled. Most of an individual's "productive" time will be spent on academic tasks that will range between mindless and tedious. (If a suffer is subjected to these conditions for extended periods of time, particularly when tasks are mindlessly tedious, it is recommended that they consult a mental health professional.) Finally, those affected will spend increased and possibly unhealthy amounts of time on social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, if the subject is female).
Person A: "How is it only Tuesday?"
Person B: "I don't know. It feels like Friday."
Person C: "Dude, you're experiencing the Spring Break Effect."
Person A: "Is that fatal?"
Person C: "No, but staying awake for 72 hours might."
Person B: "Shit."
When you don’t stop. A saying meaning to do something to the fullest without pausing the action.
Keep singing the words, “all gas no breaks.”
When u take
a break from. something
Im taking a t break bc i rly need to.
Getting a handjob. Just like walt did on his birthday
What did you and the wifey do last night?
She gave me a breaking bad birthday
The act of punching a man in the testicles before he climaxes, while giving him a blowjob.
Jessica gave Ian a break shot as payback.