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The physical essence and or trade off of the person named " The plug"

Erik: Aye...Yo anyone gotta pencil

Ty: Hells yea nig you know I got plugs
Erik : Ty you da plug my nigga

by Spectre021 May 26, 2018


A person who's got your back with anything you need. The expression comes from how a plug connects electronics to power them, similarly to how someone who is a 'plug' has everything their friends need.

*Joe approaches his friends Bob and Tom*
Joe: Hey guys I bought you cookies since I know you're hungry.
Bob: Shit thanks bro.
Tom: Joe is once again the plug.

by CoolMeme April 5, 2020


Someone who is the hook up for things

Let’s go to my plug he has some weed

by Too_wavy23 December 3, 2017


A stupid ass fucking sound effect that im sick and tired of hearing on trendy insta skating edits

Friend 1: Bro look at this skate edit on insta
friend 2: lemme see
Video: plugplugplggplgpglgpuugugugugugplgugugugug shiny effect plug

by klwqkldq May 6, 2022


a person/drug dealer who is known for selling the best stuff for the best prices and for selling almost everything you can name or a person who has anything you need and that will give it to you if they got it

Yeah Adam's the plug he let me borrow his car to visit my girlfriend!!

by Savage-Dixon February 25, 2019


Really cool, out of this world, slaying

Why she so plug?

by Ghostgirlmysterious November 6, 2023


a middle man or someone with a heavy sphere of influence but NOT a club promoter, athletes best friend (i.e. boys in da hood, Menace II Society, etc) or a womanizer can 80's slang: PLUG YOU IN but then you're on your own (i.e. Deep Cover) use ranker.com for best results.. usually around when something important is being said or a grand scale event in the Ghetto (NOT THE HOOD: which is newer and still subject to logistics)

You saw the Plug, I ain't fit'nuh tacklin the watermelon melon tossing better for yieghrr-indigestyhn

by 2023NYE November 18, 2023