It means what it says really I’m talking about short people 6 foot and under they stink of shit are ugly as shit and just are annoying little pricks that should just get stomped on wankers.
short people stink like If you see a short person kick him up in the sky the little smelly cunt.
When you ejaculate so much in your shorts to the point of it running down your leg.
Aunt Mary: Oh my god Timmy did you juice your shorts !?
Little Timmy: I just juiced my shorts Aunt Mary and it’s running down my leg.
Aunt Mary: Oh my! I’ve never seen such an ungodly amount of splooge in my life!!
1) without any seemingly particular effort
2) in unfavorable circumstances
3) in a game of poker, starting out with the worst possible hand
Person a: can Sidney Crosby score short-handed, even after his injury of Jan 2011-Feb 2012?
Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
one of two things:
a) in hockey, a situation where your team is down a man because one your players is in the penalty box
b) a phrase meaning without any particular effort
person 1) Can Sidney Crosby score a short-handed goal after his injury of January 2011?
person 2): IMHO Sidney Crosby will do so not only short-handed, but also blindfolded as well at the same time.
1) in hockey, when your team is down a man
2) without any seemingly particular effort
3) in unfavorable circumstances
4) in a game of poker, starting out with the worst possible hand
Person a: can Sid Crosby score short-handed?
Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
yes cameron is short deaf and blind
be at short notice to do something (Navy expression)
I'm not sure when the Admiral will arrive, so make sure you and your team are at the short trail to man the boat.