she thinks she can dance but she actually looks like a hobo trying to wank. she also tells girls to eat her out ans she says here shoes are designer but there the bobbing ton market
mis smith told me to eat here out
Lilly Reid Smith is an amazing girl, she is incredibly talented, beautiful, cute and nice. she is my personal therapist sometimes and has helped me through so much
Lilly reid smith is so fucking amazing, i wanna kiss her
The UK's richest-ever prime minister, Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, was the head of government for three terms during the 1850s and 1860s, and goes down in history as the longest-serving leader of the Conservative Party. The aristocrat, who was a major landowner, had a fortune of some $9.3 million, which in today's money amounts to $1.3 billion (£1bn).
Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby
The most dumbest person you'll ever meet and the freakiest guy in the sheets
Yo Al smith he's a different guy in the bed.
A little dick ass nigga that be folding like a omelet when his girl presses him and he a wimp
Person 1:Ay bro you talked to Creighton Wendell Smith in minute
Person 2:nigga who the fuck are you and why are you in my house
a kid who used to be fat, loves to pee in cop cars, throws up a lot when drunk, you shouldn't feed him, dont let him smoke before games, his peepee is also v v v tiny and ges kinda ugly but its okay cause hes funny
oh my god you jus richie smithed that girl
Got rejected by Sophia and ELI
Do you want to date me?
NO Luke Smith you're minging noone does