A factory originally based in Fraserburgh and other locations across the UK run by Tories, who believe they have a higher status than anyone else.
'I work in Gray and Adams, dinna you spik to me like at'
A fat peice of shit. A big guy that eats a lot of food and is whipped. His in a group called "people who don't salad" sadly only one member because Gage Big Adam ate them all.
Gage Adam would eat ten cheeseburgers in one bite.
4 foot icicle broken ways and shoved up your asshole sideways.
I bet Jared from subway got the ol' frosty adam in prison.
Adam thinks way too high of Dbd and it's very unhealthy for his lifestyle.
"I'm gonna play Dead By Daylight instead of giving my dying dog CPR I think I'm addicted which means I can't get away from it or it's taking over my life." Adam's Dead By Daylight Addiction was brought to you by the Warner bros family and he may potentially make it to multiversus.
a fat white boy who probably has a big ass. He is probably jewish and gets no bitches. He probably has big man titties and has big feet. He proably posts pictures on feetfindr and proably has a tiny cock.
Damn he has a tiny cock. He's probably an adam seed
He is a gay kid who lives in houghton Regis and has a spotty specky face and has no friends
U are so Adam England