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Giant flying dildo

1. Mike Zabinski
2. One of any number of idiotic tyrants, but mostly Mike Zabinski.

Giant flying dildos thrive off the misery of others, and charge people for the privilege of working for them.

by Your Mom January 3, 2005

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fly over state

Fly over state is a part of the United States of America that is between the East and the West coasts. There are not many transportation stops there, because it is mostly a fly over state.

Nebraska is a fly over state, or Oklahoma, for example.

by malkahanna September 18, 2008

43πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

when pigs fly

A not so subtle reference to Attorney General William Barr flying all over the world to investigate β€œDeep State” politics and international connections to it.

Of course it is entirely improbable that Attorney Generals travel all over the world to look into screwball conspiracy theories, but AG Barr has made the improbable come true, so we can now say β€œwhen pigs fly” and really mean it!

by Dr Bunnygirl October 8, 2019

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flying fuck

an act of having sex on a plane

I had a flying fuck with my wife on the way to LA

by Daffy the Duck May 3, 2015

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Bike Fly

A sleezy hoe that hangs out were all the biker boys are waiting to snatch up all the Degenerates in the world so they can be ridden hard and put away wet and give you every STD you dont already have. OUCH!...you know I'm just Fucking with you...

Anyone hanging out on Squid Row (8th St) that doesnt own a bike and is begging for a ride and a "RIDE" Bike Fly

by LazyJeremy July 11, 2008

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Flying Peacock

When you are masturbating and you get a surprise causing you to blow your load.

I was having a cheecky wank and Mike surprised me and I did a flying peacock!

by McLovin Windsor January 28, 2013

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Flying the Airplane

when Kristen is drunk, you make up some sexually connotated gibberish and tell her it exists. And if she questions it, you say, "It does! Look it up on Urban Dictionary!" Oh yeah, it's also when 20 guys spray themselves with hair spray, light their genitals on fire, and procede to have crazy sex with one woman.

"OMFG! That hoard of savage, blood thirsty highwaymen were totally flying the airplane last night!"

by Zolog March 3, 2007

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