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band friend

Friend that is in band.

The relationship works the same way as a friend's does, but they are in band.

Colorguarder: My band friend said there was no practice tonight. Is that true?
Colorguarder #2: Oh yeah, I've talked to all my band friends and they've said the same thing.

by ☆〜(ゝ。∂) November 12, 2015

thot band

Promiscuous individualist or a large group of hoes.

Oh look it’s the thot bands.

by Evette March 11, 2018

I don’t like the band Palaye Royale

I guess they might be Jews or something? But I’m actually quite suspicious of this band. It’s just the truth…Sorry.

I don’t like the band Palaye Royale.

by Gothic Miscreant October 8, 2023

1👍 1👎

Band Salt

Band salt is the act of getting pissed off for no reason, or no apparent reason, particularly during a band rehearsal. People may express unnecessary anger during an episode of ‘band salt’. Band salt is usually temporary, lasting from 2 hours to 2-7days in extreme cases. Tiredness is also a common factor of band salt. Irritating people can also cause band salt. Approximately 80% of the time, band salt can be shown from someone, for no reason, then the reason could be found out hours or even days later.

Band salt can be avoided by, avoiding eye contact, avoiding verbally communicating with the band salt affected person, avoid physical contact and isolate from the person with band salt.

Person with band salt: If you don’t shut up I will legit leave

Person 1: Whatever guys, I don’t really care HOAH

by anonymoussssssssssssisisisisss November 2, 2021

Do you hate the band Dashboard Confessional

Cause it is almost like my other definition wasn’t approved

Do you hate the band Dashboard Confessional

(You know that I am talking to you)

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker February 20, 2021

Marching band

A fun activity (except for the month of August and Wednesday nights or whenever you have rehearsals after the school day) during high school where you will have a lot of fun memories. Except when the band director and/or the field commanders yell at you.

1. A large group of people that are all family.

2. Just because the football players aren't playing football during half-time doesn't mean they aren't playing anything during half-time some football players are also part of the marching band!

3. What happens on the band bus ALWAYS stays on the band bus.

4. Freshman year is the WORST year of marching band.

5. The band director will NEVER call you by your real name if you are an underclassmen

6. When the band director says one more time it means: we're staying here until it is perfect.

7. This one time, at band camp....

8. Your arms get tired of holding up that instrument.

9.Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hat: always will be annoying.

10. Field commanders will always have the best looking uniform!

11. Have a good memory you will be memorizing a lot of music.

12. The field commanders are horrified when they get on the podium for the first time. It's a little scary up there.

13. Last one. Have fun during band it's a really fun experience!

Find dot 55 of the contest show

Field commander: the whole line of alto saxes isn't straight

Band director: oh god... Everyone go back to the previous dot. Hit, hit and previous

We have trumpets out to lunch

Band director: trumpets.... Get your music out of your leadpipe AND USE IT!!!!!!!


by Anthony the Italian October 16, 2019

Marching band

A fun activity (except for the month of August and Wednesday nights) during high school where you will have a lot of fun memories. Except when the band director and/or the field commanders yell at you.

1. A large group of people that are all family.

2. Just because the football players aren't playing football during half-time doesn't mean they aren't playing anything during half-time some football players are also part of the marching band!

3. What happens on the band bus ALWAYS stays on the band bus.

4. Freshman year is the WORST year of marching band.

5. The band director will NEVER call you by your real name if you are an underclassmen

6. When the band director says one more time it means: we're staying here until it is perfect.

7. This one time, at band camp....

8. Your arms get tired of holding up that instrument.

9.Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hat: always will be annoying.

10. Field commanders will always have the best looking uniform!

11. Have a good memory you will be memorizing a lot of music.

12. Last one. Have fun during band it's a really fun experience!

Find dot 55 of the contest show

Field commander: the whole line of alto saxes isn't straight

Band director: oh god... Everyone go back to the previous dot. Hit, hit and previous

We have trumpets out to lunch

Band director: trumpets.... Get your music out of your leadpipe AND USE IT!!!!!!!


by Anthony the Italian October 15, 2019