The left over balled up pieces of toilet paper around the anus and/or vagina after a woman or male wipes.
Brian how did it go last night?
Response: “Well when I went down on her to Toss her Salad, all I got was a mouth full of Cotton Candy!”
By Schmiddy22 June 11, 2022
The act of having sex with a scat and her releasing feces all over your dick. After, freeze for 24 hours and cum in the frozen poopsicle. Then freezing it again.
That Scat gave a nice The Candy With A C'!
I know!
When your trying to give a girl the D
“She can get this mufuckin candy basket.”
Something you can get if you go into the pedophiles basement on the amazing holiday we call hallo motherfuckin ween!
Want some Halloween candy? Your cute, you should take off your shirt!
Like eye candy but with a sassy, bombshell-punk twist: An alt-indie hottie who shows off glorious amounts of skin, smatterings of ink and loads of badass edge.
"Did you catch that hot-ass piece of eye candi workin' the counter at the used records store?”
A male whore with a Drinking Problem; A not so attractive straight ProstaDUDE that sexes women for money; someone that sleeps with old women for money; a guy that can handle sexing Ugly Women(a NuglyFUCKER);
"She only had enough money for a Semi-Elegant Piece of He-Candy"
"Never become the Semi-Elegant Piece of He-Candy"
A term used to describe any form of meth, meth being the stereotypical drug used by stereotypical people living in a trailer park.
Son: "Mommy, where's daddy?"
Mom: "He's in jail honey."
Son: "Why Mommy?"
Mom: "You father had a trailer park candy problem."