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georges w. bush

Also known as The Kid, Little Bush, Dubya and Rainman.
If you look under "puppet" in the dictionary, you'll find good old George. If you look under "puppetmaster" you find american multinational companies.
How a guy with his past could become president of the most heavily armed nation in the world is beyond me. He is a known criminal (deserter, DUI, drug abuse), not too bright (just listen to his speeches), and a little too much like his father.
He is also a symbol of a flawed electoral system. Not only did he get less votes than Gore and still win on number of states. Additionally the proceedings in Florida were so compromised that if it had happened in a third world nation there would be a new election within a couple of weeks, this time with UN inspectors.

By doing their every bidding, George W. Bush is a tool for large companies to get richer.

by FauSt_ April 2, 2003

149๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

A "leader" who claims to be fighting terrorists while actually creating...err, mass-producing them through extreme, deadly cultural bigotry.

We will not give up until we have flushed every third-world inhabitant out of his house into the local weapons shop.

by :Philosopher on a Rampage December 1, 2003

254๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w bush

See village idiot.

George W Bush is America's greatest village idiot.

by Stoneur August 10, 2003

7147๐Ÿ‘ 2470๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w bush

1. The downfall of America. This stupid little prick has the brain of a doorknob (and that's a compliment!). Having associations with Osama Bin Laden, this fucking asshole should never have been re-elected, or even elected for that matter (seen Farenhiet 9/11?). He's also Dick Cheney's bitch, doing everything that he tells him. What a stupid tosspot!!!

2. Son of George H W Bush, this bastard was born in the *greatest* (note sarcasm) state of all- Texas. This piece of shit is a sure redneck. Why is he our President????

1. The bush is around the dick????

2. Reporter- The country is being attacked! What are you going to do?

Bush- I's goin' on vo-ca-tion (stupid ass Bush).

by Bush-Hater January 5, 2005

757๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w. bush

Far and away the worst president in American history.

George W. Bush has set this country back for years and is the personification of every single reason the world hates America.

by MTS July 17, 2006

252๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w. bush

1. The worst practial joke of all time
2. The most powerful man on the planet also the man with the lowest IQ all time
3. One of the worst things that you can call or compare someone to

Your acting just like george w. bush trying to take over the world

by Fencing Dude July 8, 2006

260๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Walter Bush

Premier of Us and A.

We in Kazakhstan very much admire your mighty warlord George Walter Bush. He is a very wise man and also a strong man. Very STROOOONG. But, perhaps not as strong as his father Barbara.

by Borat S. Sagdiyev April 16, 2007

155๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž