(V) When you splash through a puddle and there is a ratchet hanging by the bus stop.
I was driving thru the hood and saw a stankin ratchet standing next to a puddle and I cleaned her up with a hood bath.
condom for gay people
damn that boy got his dick in hood
A game played by four OG’s on a rectangular side yard, in pro dominate black community divided by a high net made from clothes line.
Yo cuz, let’s go fuck with sum hood volleyball back at my homies house.
a sex move in which the guy cums in the ass of one person and then the one with the cum in their ass puts their ass to another person and then farts thus transferring the cum
bro1: dude I was having a threesome yesterday and the girls did the robin hood yesterday. It was fucking crazy
bro2: yo wtf
A hood that's enclosed. One way in, and one way out. Housing is $70 per unit.
Yo is this your boy from the enclosed hood? Naw, he's dead already.