Just another animal intelligent enough to to make things difficult
There goes Lori again… being a dramatic human
The mammals a lot of fellers on this website tend to describe as shit, they seem alright to me
Wow urban dictionary really hates humans, they must be pretty crappy
Humans are a species of mammals. They are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, as they have developed complicated technology and machines. They are also known for creating websites and apps to rot your brain.
(noun) A terrifying you should avoid.
"I haven't left the house in 12,856,195,683.6 days, because... humans."
"I rather spend extra money getting an item online than simply going out to get that item because humans exist."
Beings who slowly kill the planet. Some do the best not to, even though it is inevitable. Only humans can read this. So, are you, sadly, a human?
Person 1- Are you guys humans?
Persons 2- Of course, pfft!