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all the way retarded

To do somethin' insane, mostly used as an expression for goin' crazy or actin wild

Man I'm bout to go all the way retarded on his ass!

by Flo "Fa Sho" June 17, 2007

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Big Gay Retard


hey its big gay retard larry!

by beyondorigin June 6, 2019

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Retarded Bieber mode

The mode when Justin Bieber is drunk usually so shaded with an upside down head stupid actions like Peeing in a bucket

Everyone Run retarded Bieber mode is active

by Epictailz January 26, 2017

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Disability Check Retarded

One whomst is not mentally nor physically considered retarded yet are borderline therefor disability check

Humphrey: you know that kid Kuba
Gaylord: yeah what about him

Humphrey: he’s disability check retarded

Gaylord: you right that chef needa get checked

by Humphry69 November 19, 2018

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Retard rape baby

The child of a retard who was raped by another retard.

They could tell from the weird curvature of Michaeline's fucked-up lips that she was conceived as a retard rape baby.

by Party Team November 5, 2012

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crap sucking retard

a retard that sucks crap for an extended period of time

john is such a crap sucking retard

by matt15 July 26, 2006

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bat-shit retarded

1) Behavior consistent with a person who exhibits the characteristics of a complete moron/noob/nub/tool, it’s commonly used in mmo’s to describe noobish like behavior.

2)Also see "total douschenozzle"

While jacking in a Mara central, a bat shit retarded merv tried to gank me but he was quickly thwarted. What a skatmuncher!

by Chris August 22, 2005

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