When you think you’re a star... but you’re just a star fish.
When she thinks her pussy is sold, but expects us to mine it like it’s gold.
Lies there like I’m folding clothes, that’s just way too bold.
Even though she beacons,
we know she’s Slothy Seconds
reaching sexual climax but immediately afterwards going back in, for seconds, if you will.
"I don't care bitch! I'm Going Back For Seconds!"
Come on, she is my best fwend!!!
The bad excuse to talk to your fwend in cass
Come on, I haven't talked to her in like 30 seconds
February second is national fuck a crush day. It’s the day to fuck someone you think is hot.
Today is February second! We get to fuck today.
The second uno reverse is meant to counter an uno reverse, thereby breaking quantum physics laws, ending the world as we know it.
Brad: ur mom is fat
Lawrence: uno reverse
Brad: Second uno reverse
Lawrence: *dies from laws of quantum physics being broken*
The first wave sounded original, but once the media starts calling it the second, third, and fourth, they start sounding like imbeciles. No wonder there's suddenly a bunch of new mutations on the virus, since calling it the first wave still would lose the shock effect the media was originally going for.
The media will most likely have aomething new in store for the third wave, just like they did the second wave.
happens during a pandemic where the second wave is usually deadlier than the first wave
are you getting ready for the second wave
don’t remind me