Source Code

Mega Straight

a homosexual

p1: hey are you a Mega Straight
p2: yeah im such a quirky Mega Straight

by terabytee January 26, 2022

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

Something that a dumb ass made up to mock the lgbtq+ community and target the trans community.

Me: So what's your sexuality?
Dumb Ass: Super straight
Me: Get the fuck away from me transphobic bitch

by annaa.rosee March 11, 2021

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

super straight

A term used by transphobes to mask their bigotry as a sexual orientation. These people tend to be so insecure of their sexuality that they wouldn't even date a cisgender that has a hairstyle that could be remotely construed as being the wrong gender, just incase the person might be transgender. Almost always misgenders transgender people.

I'm super straight, I wont dont a transgender even if he had his penis removed.

by Digital Alchemi March 23, 2021

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straight male

what is a straight male you ask? well, a straight male is like a parasite, only worse. imagine a floating piece of bacteria walking around with invalid opinions that dont matter. well that is in fact a straight male.

straight male? wtf no

by fxctonlybae May 9, 2021

8πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Straight Chicken

The awkward dance between two people when one of them goes in for the big kiss and the other pulls away.

In this case, unlike in normal chicken, the one that fails to pull away first is the loser.

Logan really likes Caitlin, but she just wants to be friends. After the dance the other night, he tried to go in for a kiss and ended up losing straight chicken.

by Ikonaka April 26, 2009

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Spaghetti Straight

A person who identifies as straight but is open to or actively has sexual relations with someone of the same gender. The term stems from a widely used internet joke in which one person mentions somebody being straight and another person responds β€œso is spaghetti until it gets wet” ergo, meaning these people are straight until it comes to sex.

Person 1: Did you hear Matt hooked up with Jared last night? And all this time I thought he was straight…
Person 2: Well he is straight, just spaghetti straight

by Goofy Snake January 8, 2022

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Ultra straight

When you, a straight person, are only attracted to gays and lesbians. Not to be confused with super straight, as ultra straight can still be attracted to trans.

β€œShe’s obviously a lesbians but damn is she fine!”
β€œI dunno, seems kinda ultra straight to me

by SomeLeftHandedCuck March 17, 2021

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